At the enterprise we are a local ‘Business Hub’ offering business owners like you a unique work-life balance, with shared facilities to keep operating costs low, and flexible office solutions: the suites and the workspace.

the enterprise building has been designed to deliver a professional environment to help grow smart local businesses.

Come and visit us at the enterprise and take a look for yourself. We’d love to show you around.


the enterprise is the ideal work place if you’re self-employed, running a small business, or thinking of starting up your own business. You may need a satellite office or you’ve been working from home but want a more professional image and work-space. the enterprise environment adds that extra layer to your business, no matter the size of your business, and a commercial street address for your communications. It’s that bigger business feeling for a fraction of the cost.


We offer flexible shared office solutions at the enterprise, with shared facilities and shared costs. Enjoy our flexible working environment with other like-minded people, whilst ensuring separation to preserve your privacy and personal space.


We have two flexible office options, the workspace is a co-working area that lets you share costs further by renting a dedicated desk in our professional workspace, or the suites may suit you better if you require more privacy, have a few staff or require more space to spread out.